Period management can be really challenging. But period-related struggles take on a whole new level when you are swamped with work and can barely take a break to deal with period-related concerns.
Imagine if you have to the bathroom every now and then to change your pad or tampon or simply just to check if you already have period stains—while you are cramming an important report that’s due in a few hours. Hassle, right?
If you’re a menstruator who’s always busy, we recommend that you try using a Sinaya Cup, which is a very convenient period solution.
Here are some quick facts to guide you:

One Sinaya Cup is all you need for two to five years. Yes, it’s reusable. All you need to do is sterilize it in between cycles and wash it with clean water and mild, oil-free soap each time you empty its content.

You can choose from two Sinaya Cup sizes: Small and Large. Your choice can depend on a variety of factors, including how low or high your cervix is, how heavy your flow usually is, how old you are, or whether you’ve already given birth vaginally.

There are two menstrual cup folds you can easily learn and try when you try using your Sinaya Cup for the very first time. There: C fold and punch down. But of course, there are a lot of other folds you can check out.

You have to sterilize your cup for at least five minutes (10 minutes maximum) before using it on the first day of your period for that month. You can either boil it in water or soak it in a clean container filled with newly boiled water. Of course, you can also use our very own Sterilizer Cup.

You can wear your Sinaya Cup for up to 12 hours straight, which means that if your flow isn’t too heavy, you can actually enjoy uninterrupted sleep at night even while you are menstruating.

A Sinaya Cup costs only P1,199. This may seem like a huge investment at first, but it can actually help you save a lot of money in the long run.
These are just some facts about the Sinaya Cup. If you wish to know more about it is used, you may click here when you already have enough time. You may also read our FAQs here for more information.